History of eco-issues involvement for Rhodes Hileman
The following items, extracted from my work history, reflect a long-standing involvement with, and passion for, ecological and community issues.
- 1998 Reading ODnet listserv daily. Organizational Development Network.
- 1997-8 Future Search intern, Future Search training, SearchNet participant.
- 1996 Bay Area Open Space Network co-founder. OST participant.
- 1995-6 Co-Intelligence focus group participant; co-creator of Transformational Social Dialogue.
- 1992-3 North Coast Biodiversity, co-founder, geographic information (GIS) services for rural valleys.
- 1981-2 Manager of an eco-research & education center - Cooskie Ridge Ranch, Honeydew, CA.
- 1981 Salmon hatchbox program, cabinet-maker, Petrolia, CA.
- 1981 Field Survey Coordinator; MWSSG/Coastal Headwaters, White Thorn, CA.
- 1981 Co-wrote grant for salmon hatchbox program; MWSSG, Petrolia, CA.
- 1979 Environmental studies, Antioch, SF, CA. I take a B.A. in Bioregional Design.
- 1979 Designed passive solar home for Davis, CA; as academic work, not built.
- 1978 Generalist, designer/builder, board member; Crossroads Community, The Farm, SF, CA.
- 1978 Student at Antioch, SF, CA. Passive solar architecture, ecosystems.
- 1975-6 Video documentary producer; "The Next 200 Years", on the Gasquet-Orleans Road controversy, Video Circle, SF, CA
- 1974 Secretary; fought the Peripheral Canal. Frisco Bay Mussel Group, SF, CA
- 1973-9 Planet Drum Foundation, occasional volunteer, frequent kibitzer.
- 1972 Designed, sited, and built a wilderness home; Greenfield Ranch, Mendocino County, CA
- 1972 Foreman, welder, shipfitter, electrician, pipefitter; converting a 50' Landing Craft (LCM) for harbor oil-spill cleanups, Pollution Recovery Systems, Richmond, CA
- 1972 Created "Video Circle", video production on rural issues, Mendocino Co., CA
- 1964 Teacher, 6th grade, field instruction; Antioch Outdoor Education Center, YSO
- 1964 Antioch student. Conservation education, social sciences. YSO
- 1963 Teacher, 6th grade, field instruction; Otter Lake Conservation School, Greenfield, NH
- 1962-8 Crossed the continent over 15 times by thumb, and by rail-freight, backpack living.
- 1952-62 Camping all over New England in a Model A Ford, learning history and natural sciences from my father.
In the early eighties, in response to the Republican control of government, I decided to get involved with the computer industry in order to fund environmental action. I am now interested in returning to work with watershed issues, in a climate of opinion, and a funding community, which is more favorable and more sophisticated. Having just moved to Seattle, I am impressed with its consciousness of quality of life issues, nascent regional planning awareness, technical sophistication, and youthful philanthropy. We should be able to create here models for urban and rural land-use mangement that will break new ground in the American environmental scene. I'm up for it.
Take me back home.
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