Published documents
- 5stages of competitive response to the Nautilus exercise machine compared to 5 stages of market development.
- baosrvy An old Bay Area Open Space survey.
- Beyond the 2% Solution, an essay on energy by Paul Hawken.
- Report of a Future Search by CISA "Sustainable Food and Farming in the Connecticut River Valley, A Vision."
- clascode A class code system for electronic engineering and manufacturing.
- convivia a quote from Ivan Illich.
- Dante envisions the internet - it's a renaissance idea.
- cyberdesiderata.
- Design Research Society news.
- Design Methods by John Chris Jones, an introduction.
- empty.html a template web page.
- Forests are a Community, not a cash crop.
- Dave Raggett's HTML Intro Getting started with html.
- htmguide old guide to html.
- htmquick ditto.
- htmspecs old html specs.
- infotool Our collection of web info tools.
- iris/ closeups of irises at NSCC (as JPEGs).
- linuxnotes/ notes for Linux students at NSCC.
- mall A development proposal for the Northgate Mall. A gift to Simon Properties from RH and the Thorton Creek Alliance.
- Mattole Watershed Salmon Support Group.
- North Coast BioDiversity.
- Part Number Document for electronic engineering.
- Pulling Designs into an Enterprise Database - a MySQL database for electronic engineering. Paper presented to Mentor
Graphics User to User Conference, March 2007, San Jose, CA
- quake228 Our view of the 2/28/01 quake in Puget Sound.
- reading list Periodicals we read here.
- school Comenius' view of schools.
- shortsub More infotools.
- ssdesign SmSys design interface specs.
- totmsamn RH's review of Totem Salmon, by Freeman House.
- tsdwork Transformational Social Dialogue notes from the nineties.
- vidchips Research on video cards for PCs running Linux, OS/2, and NT4.
- What's Next? An open letter to Obama, December 2008, on what to do for America.
This is pub/index.html . . .
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Last Rev: 10/20/2007