| Personal | Global | Valley |
1945 |
- Growing up in a declining farm community
- Growing up in a rural 'burg
- Hiroshima
- Marshall Plan
- End of WWII
- Beginning shift away from local food production toward food importation
- Pick-your-own fruit
- Introduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
- Milking machines
- Bulk tanks
- Horse-ox-hand diversity
- Small farms
- Improved roads
- First commercial trout farm
1950 |
- Born, born, born
- School ... school with a farm
- Raised on frozen vegetables
- Nature study, affection
- No TV until age 8
- Begin Cold War
GI Bill - suburbia begins
- First milking parlor
- Acreage of onion production greatly reduced
- Limited number of small farms still use horses for fieldwork
- Asparagus production declines
- Tobacco farms and barns
1955 |
- Born
- Birth and education in suburban area
- Suburban oblivion
- Youth on a prairie farm
- Sputnik
- Deming goes to Japan
- Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education
- Iron Curtain
- Air blast sprayers
- Grew up on dairy that sold milk directly to families
- Grew up on tobacco-vegetable-dairy farm
- The flood
- Reforestation - less sheep/cattle/dairy grazing
- Contract spraying of atrazine on field corn
- "Cow College"
- UMass gets ambitious
| Personal | Global | Valley |
1960 |
- Born, born
- Counterculture
- Social justice issues
- Grow up on dairy farm
- Growing up on tobacco-vegetable-dairy farm
- Strarted hay-beef-chicken growing on small valley farm.
- Living the "Ozzie and Harriet" thing
- Student during the ferment of the 60's
- First agricultural memory (age 5)
- Started high school
- Spent all my spare time in my grandmother's garden
- Dairy-farming parents sold cows, kept land
- Kissed a girl; got driver's license
- Planted first garden
- Saw farm animals for the first time
- Married a dairy farmer - 28 cows
- Hippie
- Parents divorced
- Summers in rural upstate New York
- Red Sox go to Pennant; lose in World Series
- Celtics are World Champs through the 60's
- Visited New York City - preferred rural areas
- Lost my father
- Kennedy is killed
- Haight-Ashbury
- MLK and Bobby Kennedy assassinated
- Cuban Revolution
- Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
- Climate of optimism, prosperity
- Bob Dylan
- Liberation struggles of Third World peasants
- Coalitions of poor and intellectuals for social justice
- Decrease in number of farms
- TV and Madison Ave. grow up
- Cleveland's "River of Fire"
- Space race
- Butter and sugar corn from Hadley
- Introduction of monied academic and professional classes as a majority
- Sold directly to stores
- "Community" came to farm
- Growth of UMass
- Rte. 116 completed
- Farm retail market expeanded
- Beginning of supermarkets
- Decline of tobacco crops
- Big sale on cow manure for organic farmers
- First sections of I-91 completed right
- Family size is down
- Children are mobile
| Personal | Global | Valley |
1965 |
- Non-farm youth interested in farming
- School - growing up in a non-agricultural environment
- Political awareness
- Visit grandparents' farm weekly
- Mall/industrial park on farmland where we once played
- Graduated from hihg school
- Family tragedy
- Went to progressive private school for two years
- Spent lots of time in the woods and fields with no grown-ups around
- Hippies, drugs and rock 'n' rool
- Vietnam
- Civil Rights movement
- The Great Society
- Berkeley Free Speech movement
- Political turmoil
- Urban civil unrest (Watts)
- Kerner Commission - War on Poverty
- WIC, Food Stamps
- Milk inspections require concrete stables
- Westover Air Base - Cold War and Vietnam
- Height of SAC readiness
- Dairy upsurge - larger herds
- Land grant college changes - fewer being trained and remaining
1968 |
- First part-time jopb, in supermarket business
- UMass Library Tower
- Rte. 9 not yet developed
1970 |
- Marched on Washington, D.C., against Vietnam War
- Grew up to enjoy wilderness and environment
- Study biology/physiology
- Moved to suburbs
- Grew up in New York City
- Organized farm workers and consumers for UFW
- Earth Day
- Nixon - food as a weapon
- Kent State/Jackson State
- U.S. workers' incomes become stagnant
- Future Shock
- Famine in Africa
- Green Revolution
- Women's movement
- Cesar Chavez - United Farm Workers
- Decrease in number of farms - consolidation
- Oil embargo
- Clean water act
- Malling of America
- Roe V. Wade
- Watergate/Nixon
- Maple sugar tours
- Growth of UMass
- Land values shifted from agriculture
- Chain stores want larger suppliers
- Pick-your-own businesses thrive
- Started to spray corn
- Zoning regulations
- Irrigation use is more widespread
- Food co-ops!
| Personal | Global | Valley |
1975 |
- U.S. Army
- Individuation from family origin, developed cultural critique
- Agricultural economics education - UMass
- Worked for Mass. Audubon Society
- Moved to Hilltowns
- Trilateral Commission
- Beginning of the end of U.S. dominance
- Inflation
- Three Mile Island
- Seabrook protests
- Community gardens
- EPA and environmental legislation follows Love Canal, Times Beach, Bhopal
- Grassroots movements
- Rise of organic agriculture as a movement
- Computers/technology/microwave
- "The Brady Bunch"
- Larger percentage of food money going to food preparation rather than production
- "Get big or get out", says the secretary of agriculture
- Founding of Western Mass. co-ops
- Pick-your-own
- End of egg farms
- Community Food and Agriculture Resource Center
- Canning Center Project
- APR buying of development rights
- Collapse of local food-buying co-ops
- Chapter 61A program begins
- Farmer's markets in Amherst, Greenfield
- Gentlemen farmers - smaller acreage
- Agriculture School Committees/policy planning
- Atkins becomes marketing phenomenon
- Environmental movement
- Micropropagation
- New England Small Farm Institute
- Malling of Hadley; sprawl
- Peak of suburban land use
- Enjoyed bounty of Valley harvest
- DEP gets BIG
| Personal | Global | Valley |
1980 |
- Materialism/consumption increase
- Farm foreclosures
- End of the American dream
- Recession
- Reagan era - TV wins
- First IPM funding
- Poverty increases
- High interest rates
- Development: Mall #2
- 1982 - Food Bank opens
- Big Y purchases Adams Supermarket
- Beginning of resurgence toward local food production
- Organic and IPM
- Roadside stands
- Many local "farm credit" districts
- Food co-ops close - competition from B&C Supermarket
- First IPM programs at UMass
- Population growth in the Valley
- Co-op farms start
- Average age of farmer increases dramatically
- Tobacco leaves the Valley
- Alar is banned
- Continuing loss of farmland to housing development
- Whately municipal water supply is contaminated by Temek
| Personal | Global | Valley |
1985 |
- Field research on butterflies in Colorado rockies
- Shepherd and beef farmer
- Joined army
- Moved to California, then Texas
- Traveling
- Study sustainable agriculture
- Got married, had a daughter
- Integrating personal, cultural development
- Bought small farm, began raising sheep
- Moved to Northampton
- Passed the bar exam
- Worked on political and environmental campaigns
- Sold farm - but not to development
- Joined MACC Board
- Worked in Nicaragua
- Global warming
- Interdependence
- Real estate value "run up"
- UMass has fiscal problems
- Big Y opens first store in Connecticut
- Small farm "commodity"-based agriculture fails
- Local zoning changes attempted - "cluster" development
- Founding Northeast Co-ops
- More local farmers' markets - in Northampton. Springfield, etc.
- CSAs begin to crop up
- DEM creates Connecticut Valley Action program
- Aquaculture arrives
- Dairy-herd buyout
- Larger existing farms diversify
- Right to farm laws - nuisance suits
- Suburban neighbors
- State cuts UMass Extension funding
- PVGA is formed
- Mass. economy is down
- Animal rights initiative
- Save the Family Farm campaign
- '87 AFT opens office in Valley
- Franklin Land Trust formed
| Personal | Global | Valley |
1990 |
- 1990 Farm Bill
- Information Age
- Computers, communications
- Fax
- Mandela freed; change in South African government
- Competition
- East Timor massacre
- World markets are opening up
- Loss of power of nation-states and their citizens
- Loss of credibility of electoral system
- Wool Act
- Animal Damage Control funding
- Wolves in the West
- Public awareness of agriculture
- Floods in Midwest
- UNCED "Rio Conference"
- Biotech boom
- Breakup of the Soviet Union
- Recession
- Nuestras Raices begins
- ISIS in pre-formation
- Off-shore farmworkers for planting and harvesting use is restricted
- Ongoing interest in locally and organically grown food by consumers
- '91 Big Y produce warehouse opens
- "Design with Change in the Connecticut Valley" is published
- AFT/DFA COCS studies in Gill, Agawam, Deerfield
- Hilltown Land trust
- Creation of Mass. Dairy Farmers Association
- West Lynn vs. Mass. Ag. Commissioners
- Creation of Mass. Dairy Farmers Association
- '92 drought
- Value added "niche" marketing and co-ops are the only way to survive
| Personal | Global | Valley |
The Present |
- Condo
- Flip turns lap-swimming
- Work to fight hunger
- Agriculture educator and farmer
- MACC president and landscape design
- Gardening
- District Conservation Educational programs for migrant children
- Work for state legislator
- Farmer/student
- Educator and environmentalist
- Establish organic farm
- Farm manager and educator
- Graduate student, gardener
- Weaver, community counselor
- Con Com member Board of Health
- Librarian, mom, food consumer
- Director, Mass Rural Development Council
- Loan officer, CDC
- Big Sister/Little Sister
- Got Kellogg IFS grant
- Health educator, gardener
- Board member, urban agriculture
- ISIS, CISA, Nuestra Raices
- Garden, heal
- Supermarket management
- Facilities management
- Journalist
- Office manager and shepherd
- Farmer legislators
- Conservative political war on the community
- Sustainable agriculture
- Sustainable community and family life
- Twice as many farmers over 55 as there are under 30
- Food pyramid
- Proposition 187
- Kellogg IFS initiative
- C&S opens in Hatfield
- Total 2500 acres of riverfront land is protected by conservation restrictions
- Resurgence of tobacco acreage
- Rapid decrease in number of dairy farms
- Centralization of Farm credit
- Clarification of land in agriculture use and normal maintenance and improvement under Mass. Wetlands Protection Act
- Agricultural regulations
- Big Y purchases Rexnord Building