As we approach the twenty-first century, very real challenges face our food and farming system, and some very hard questions must be answered. In the face of dwindling farm land, the demise of family farms, a fickle market, the high costs of production, labor and machinery, increased regulation and global competition, those of us who make our living in agriculture-related fields are undergoing changes that affect our very existence. Add to the mix the unpredictability of our New England weather and the question becomes: What is the future of farming and food systems in the Connecticut Valley of Massachusetts? The challenge for conference participants - among them, farmers, wholesalers, policy makers, consumers, environmentalists and educators -- was to create a blueprint for the future.
The facilitators set the stage; the ground rules were explained. The work to be done lay before us: We would be the historians, the analysts, the creators. The year 2000 brings the end of the century, but it also signals the start of the future. Those of us in the agricultural community must - together - anticipate problems, devise solutions, provide support, and then move forward.
Energy breeds enthusiasm, ideas beget visions, commitment leads to action. Our colleagues rolled up their sleeves and went to work. At the Future Search Conference, all voices were heard - and those voices were eloquent.