voice: 206 760 8619 . email: rhodes@smsys.com . web: www.smsys.com
Demonstrated technical writing, editing, and software testing skills, as well as significant team leadership experience in digital product development. Produced and tested finished user documents for both hardware and software systems. Excellent mastery of the English language, some familiarity with other languages. Strong copyeditor. Capable with hypertext structures. Mastery of Ventura Publisher Professional. Familiar with Photoshop and Word.
Computer system and word processor tutorials for novice users at community science center - complete writing and testing. Command index for word processor manual.
Disk encryption software manual - complete writing, design, illustration, and testing.
Document illustrations and diagrams for professional graphics arts paint system.
"Electronic Part and Signal Naming Conventions for Use with Schema and PADS PCB Software" Developed and wrote this engineering procedure document.
System and debugger manuals for DSP/FPGA computing development system. Co-wrote, co-edited, and co-designed complete manuals with partner. Supervised document testing, and tutorial writing. Produced on Ventura.
"Design Procedures at Small Systems Company". Client manual for my company.
Co-edited manuscript for a book on co-intelligence, not yet published.
Multiple printed reports and periodicals converted to html for the Future Search web site.
"SmSys.Com" - built my web site with a simple text editor, writing raw html.
"Cadnetix post-processing routines at UltraCAD". Wrote and tested in-house doc.
"Choosing a Display Card for OS/2 and Linux" published in "extended attributes", a journal of the Phoenix OS/2 Society, Feb 1999. Researched and wrote this article.
"Design Methods: seeds of human futures". Unpublished paper, an introductory lecture about John Chris Jones' classic work on design methods. My book review, derived from this lecture, is posted at Amazon.
"The FaxRush Client" - wrote and tested this chapter for Zfirm.
"CashRush" - restructured and edited this manual for Zfirm.
This is techedit.html. A PDF formatted version of this resume for print is available here . You will need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view and print it. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is free and may be obtained from Adobe's site. The link is:
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Other special focus resumes for R. Hileman are available from the
resume index page.
Last Rev: 1/21/01