Chronology for Rhodes Hileman
A history of lifelong learning and work
Since 1984, my major roles were at
Genigraphics GP (1984-86),
Array Technologies (1987-1991),
and GigaOperations (1991-1997).
A more distilled, and printable, summary is at my
Industrial Design and Production
- 2003 Engineering Services Manager; B. E. Meyers & Co., Redmond, WA
- 2002 Prototype coordinator; Soma Networks, San Francisco, CA
- 1997-2001 Providing engineering services, PCB and mechanical design, and management consulting, as Small Systems Company.
- 2001-2002 Instructor: "Unix for Network Administrators"; Seattle Community Colleges (North and Central)
- 2001-2003 Coach operator for King County Metro, 60' articulated New Flyers and 40' Gilligs.
- 2000 North Seattle Community College - studied Linux, Bash, Perl, Java, Cisco.
- 1998 Studying Open Book Management (Jack Stack, Springfield Remanufacturing)
- 1998 PCB designer for UltraCAD Inc., in Seattle.
- 1998 Reading ODnet listserv daily. Organizational Development Network.
- 1997-8 Future Search intern, Future Search training, SearchNet participant. (Weisbord and Janoff)
- 1996 Bay Area Open Space Network co-founder. OS participant.
- 1995-6 Co-Intelligence focus group participant; TSDwork co-creator.
- 1991-7 Director of manufacturing; Gigaoperations Corp., Berkeley, CA
- 1993 Shipwright; San Francisco Drydock, San Francisco, CA
- 1992 Shipwright; Service Engineering Co, San Francisco, CA
- 1992 Shipwright; Southwest Marine, San Francisco, CA
- 1992-3 North Coast Biodiversity, co-founder, geographic information (GIS) services for rural valleys.
- 1991-5 Director of operations and manufacturing, co-founder; Gigaoperations Corp., Berkeley, CA
- 1990-1 Manufacturing engineer; Array Technologies, Oakland, CA
- 1990 Created a structure for a machine shop on a 5-ton flatbed truck.
- 1989 Dir of engineering; Array Technologies Inc., Oakland, CA
- 1988-9 Created electronics shop in a semitrailer; Small Systems Co., Santa Rosa, CA
- 1987-8 Dir of operations; Array Technologies Inc., Berkeley, Oakland, CA
- 1986 Summer Railpass tour of Europe, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Scandinavia, Arctic.
- 1985-6 Engineering operations manager; Genigraphics, Berkeley, CA
- 1984 Project manager; Genigraphics Inc., Berkeley, CA.
- 1984 Technical manager; GP Systems Inc., Berkeley, CA.
- 1983 Project manager, technician, buyer; Small Systems Co., SF, CA
- 1983 Created Small Systems Company, San Francisco, CA
- 1983 Wrote, tested, and produced documentation for a Disk Encryption System (Andy Jong)
- 1983 Self-Esteem Seminars participant, (Jack Canfield).
- 1982-3 Construction manager to add 8000 sq.ft. of art studios; Crossroads Community, SF, CA.
- 1981-2 Business manager; eco-research & education center - Cooskie Ridge Ranch, Honeydew, CA.
- 1981 Wrote and tested a tutorial and an index for WordStar 3.3, under CP/M.
- 1981 Carpenter; salmon hatchbox program, Petrolia, CA
- 1981 Field Survey Coordinator; MWSSG/Coastal Headwaters, White Thorn, CA
- 1981 Co-wrote grant for salmon hatchbox program; MWSSG, Petrolia, CA (Freeman House)
- 1981 Shipwright, fishing boats; Al Larson's Boat Shop, Long Beach, CA
- 1981 Shipwright, minesweepers; Merritt Shipyard, Oakland, CA
- 1980 Shipwright, yachts and fishing boats; San Pedro Boat Works, San Pedro, CA
- 1979 Environmental studies, Antioch, SF, CA. I take a B.A. in Bioregional Design.
- 1979 Volunteer video editor for PRANA, MSIA ashram, West LA, CA.
- 1979 Designed passive solar home for Davis, CA. Student exercise.
- 1978 Generalist, designer/builder, board member; Crossroads Community, The Farm, SF, CA.
- 1978 Re-enrolled at Antioch, SF, CA. Passive solar architecture, ecosystems.
- 1978-80 Insight Seminars participant, (Russ Bishop & John Roger).
- 1977 Shipwright/carpenter; Navy yard conversion, Triple A Machine Shop, SF, CA.
- 1975-6 Video documentary producer; "The Next 200 Years", Video Circle, San Francisco, CA
- 1975-6 Residential remodeling contractor; San Francisco, CA
- 1975 Carpenter, remodeling; Noe Valley Carpenters' Coop, SF, CA
- 1975 Joiner (ship's carpenter); Intrepid Inc., SF, CA
- 1974 Secretary; fought the Peripheral Canal. Frisco Bay Mussel Group, SF, CA
- 1974 Carpenter, framing and drywall; Plant Bros, San Francisco, CA
- 1974 Carpenter, doors and dry wall; Page Constr, San Francisco, CA
- 1973-9 Planet Drum Foundation, volunteer, kibitzer, and loiterer.
- 1973-4 Shipwright; Bethlehem Shipyard. Assembling 400 foot barges for the Alaska pipeline. SF, CA
- 1973-4 Resident of Bernal Hill, SF, CA; volunteer at Crossroads Community, "The Farm" (Wickert&Sherk)
- 1973 Joined Carpenter's Union Local 1149, now Local 2236.
- 1972-82 MSIA participant, (John Roger)
- 1972 Designed, sited, and built a vacation home; Greenfield Ranch, Mendocino County, CA
- 1972 Foreman, welder, shipfitter, electrician, pipefitter; converting a 50' LCM for harbor oil-spill cleanups, Pollution Recovery Systems, Richmond, CA
- 1972 Created "Video Circle", video production on rural issues, Mendocino Co., CA
- 1972 Mechanic; taxi maintainance for Taxi Unlimited, Berkeley, CA
- 1971 Rural mechanic, welder; White Thorn, CA
- 1970 Motorcycle tour to Vancouver and Quadra islands, BC, Canada (Triumph TR6C)
- 1970 Rural carpenter, mechanic, welder; Whale Gulch, CA
- 1970 Resident of the Adair tree house; Whale Gulch, CA
- 1969 Burner at Todd's shipyard again, Seattle WA
- 1969 Carman's helper; freight car repair, Northern Pacific RR, Seattle, WA
- 1969 Member of the Bahai community, Seattle, WA
- 1969 Caretaker; Awareness House (teen center); Ft Bragg, CA
- 1968 Radio DJ, morning man, 7-11am; KRAB fm, (Lorenzo Milam) Seattle, WA
- 1968 Resident of Fishtown, with Charles Kraft, No Fork, Skagit River, La Conner, WA
- 1968 Bought a 1949 van for one week's pay; rebuilt it completely and drove it for the next 19 years.
- 1968 Burner (cutting torch operator), Boilermakers' Union; Todd Shipyard, Seattle, WA
- 1968 Left Antioch for Seattle, Washington
- 1967 Antioch student; Yellow Springs, Ohio
- 1967 Teacher, high school for "at-risk" kids; Manzanita Ranch, Hyampom, CA
- 1966 Remote video cameraman for new (2" tape!) studio for Public Speaking class, Antioch.
- 1966 Re-enrolled at Antioch, studied art, social sciences. YSO
- 1965 Left YSO for San Francisco, and Mexico.
- 1965 Returned to YSO, studied architecture.
- 1964 Teacher, 6th grade, field instruction; Antioch Outdoor Education Center, YSO
- 1964 Antioch student. Conservation education, social sciences. YSO
- 1963 Teacher, 6th grade, field instruction (Fall qu); Otter Lake Conservation School, Greenfield, NH - (JFK is shot.)
- 1963 Summer quarter, enrolled at Antioch, Yellow Springs, Ohio. (YSO)
- 1963 Student (Spring qu) at Emerson College of Pacific Grove, CA
- 1963 Photo print cutter; Bear Photo, San Francisco, CA
- 1963 Hifi salesman, (& early stereo); GET Stores, San Francisco, CA
- 1962 Field worker; strawberry fields of Salinas, CA
- 1962-8 Crossed the continent many times by thumb, and by rail-freight. Backpack living.
- 1962 First independent life in Boston, Cambria Street, Prudential Center foundations being poured next door, first taste of Cambridge/MIT culture.
- 1962 Graduated from North Haven High School, North Haven, CT
- 1962 Cultural History class, NHHS, with Bud Church (student of Norman O. Brown).
- 1962 Cook; Toddle House, New Haven, CT
- 1961 Co-creator of a small poetry anthology, North Haven HS, CT
- 1961 Gas pump jockey; Mobil Gas, Hamden, CT
- 1961 Copyboy (newspaper copydesk); New Haven Register, New Haven, CT
- 1960 Cook; Louis' Lunch (Est. 1893, by Louis Lassen, still in the family), New Haven, CT
- 1959 Carpenter's helper, making pre-fab modules (first paying job); Drazen Lumber Co., North Haven, CT
- 1958 Mom is advertising art director; I learn art mechanicals, layouts, and copywriting, New Haven, CT.
- 1955-8 Star Scout; my buddy & I win every canoe race on the lake, Windsor, CT
- 1954-9 Early mountain biker (3speed custom), rural touring, Southern Connecticut
- 1952-62 Camping all over New England in a Model A Ford, learning history and natural sciences from/with my father.
- 1952 First airline trip alone, overnight Detroit to NYC, on a Lockheed Constellation, 3 empty seats are room enough to sleep full length.
- 1944 Born in New Haven, Connecticut, on February 5. Father at Yale.
Last rev 10/31/03